These are our


From logo ideation and brand CI guides to digital visual identities and social media profiles, the branding work that we do at Platinum Seed is as comprehensive as it is world-class.

Yuppiechef - disrupting retail convention

Walk into the new Yuppiechef store in Gardens Centre, Cape Town, and you’ll experience the kind of hedonist luxury that gastronomes long for.

Mike Perk on making your retail operation future-fit

Future-fit evangelist, Mike Perk, reveals the 10 things digitally mature leaders do to give them the competitive edge.

Is your brand part of the noise?

These days I feel like I’m standing in Times Square New York, with a myriad of brands trying to yell louder than the next. My social feeds are mostly littered with noise and it's hard to sidestep any advertising that actually appeals to me as a person.

Why your brand needs a custom website:

We live in the information age with answers to our questions at the tips of our fingers, empowering customers more than ever to research and assess their brand choices.

Customer-centric cultures are no longer negotiable.

If you have a strong brand identity, a worthy product and various USPs, that’s great. However, the biggest differentiator between you and your competitors often comes down to customer-centricity.

It's time to cut Twitter out of your social media strategy.

Using Twitter to drive our client’s social media presence has taught me many things. The most important being that unless you're a news or media outlet, a politician, celebrity or sports star, you'll put in maximum effort for minimal ROI.

Rebranding in a constantly changing world.